PCBMill is a free of charge PCB prototyping software.
It can generate isolation milling path from industrial standard Gerber files.
How to use the software (short description) :
1. Generate a Gerber file for fabrication with your PCB editor software
2. Make your settings in the Setup menu
3. Open this file in PCBMill with "File-> Open Gerber"
- Calculation of contour/milling path starts at this point
- This process may take several minutes and depends on file size
4. Optionally you may check if there is a design error and if the isolation is complete well or not
5. If there is an error or you want to change parameters, just click the Setup menu and make changes.
6. Finally to generate G-code for milling simply press "File-> Export-> Milling G-Code" menu item.
It's exactly what I am looking for my graduation project.